3. The Top 100 Movie Countdown

Here comes the 3rd part –
80) Little Manhattan (2005)
This movie so so so cute and adorable that you can’t help but go ‘aww’ while watching it. The love story of the two 10 year olds brings back all those tingly, butterflies flying, birds chirping, sun shining, romantic tune humming, memories back to you. If you are a hopeless romantic like me, see this movie you will love it!
79) Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Robin Williams is an amazing actor. He can make you laugh or cry with his roles. In this movie he is hilarious and I dont think I have to say about his acting as its obvious. I dont have to say about the story as this movie is the inspiration for our pretty popular Bollywood movie Chachi 420 (Kamal Haasan)… which also btw is a good movie.
78) Ocean’s 11, 12 & 13 (2001, 2004 & 2007)
Brad Pitt *drool*, George Clooney *drool drool*, Matt Damon *drool drool drool*, Julia Roberts *wow*… any movie with a cast like this has to be amazing and so it is. I like con movies a lot and this is one of my favorites. The movie has charm and grace along with good story, some excellent dialogues and a magnificent cast. Ocean’s Eleven was the best of the three in my opinion.
77) PS – I Love You (2007)
Raise your hands if you like the movie. This is a brilliant movie and as I said in my review here… it makes you cry and makes you laugh. Its will never be rated highly among critics but well who cares… I like it!
76) Collateral (2004)
This movie is owned by Jamie Foxx. Yes, the movie is brilliant. The story is gripping and novel, the movie is well directed, the cinematography of this movie is too good, the action sequences of the movie are well choreographed and Tom Cruise is brilliant in his acting. But the main reason I have seen this movie is Jamie Foxx. Watch this movie for all the above reasons but more importantly for Jamie Foxx’s acting.
75) My Best Friends Wedding (1997)
I have seen this movie so many times that I have lost the count. One of Julia Roberts’s best movies. I know many have a problem with the ending… I myself was rooting Julia to ruin the wedding and keep the guy but the ending is realistic and I guess that’s why I like it that much more. And Julia Roberts… Ah Julia Roberts! What an amazing actress she is!
74) Seven or Se7en (1995)
This is a movie that’s both breath taking and disappointing. Before you ask me why do I keep it here if it’s disappointing the answer is simple – Its 90% breath- taking and just 10% disappointing. The acting by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman is brilliant. It’s a Morgan Freeman movie if you ask me… he carries the role so well that you feel like the role is written only and only for him. The story of seven deadly sins and serial killing is awesome. The plot is gripping and as I said breath taking till the very end. Oh, how I wish… how I just wish that ending was different. Its not a bad ending… infact many people will love it, it’s just not my kind of ending.
73) Ratatouille (2007)
How can anyone not love this movie and the rat? This is one more master piece from Pixar. I have fallen in love with Pixar… they keep coming up with one great movie after another. The movie is brilliant and flawless. I sure hope they come up with a sequel for this one. I just can’t get enough of this movie.
72) The Others (2001)
One of the best psychological horror/thriller movies I have ever seen. Nicole Kidman in this movie is brilliant. The movie grips from the beginning to the end and you find it hard to even get up and get water, scared that you might miss something important. The movie isn’t a drag, its crisp and ending is something you never ever expect in your wild dreams. If you haven’t seen it watch it, it’s a must watch!
71) Shakespeare in Love (1998)
This movie has won 7 Academy Awards, so I guess it tells you something about the movie. I don’t bother much about Academy Awards actually, most of the times I don’t agree with their picks. But when it comes to this movie I think it deserves all the awards. The acting, plot, costume, sets, music and everything about this movie is great.
PS – Just to make myself as clear as a crystal… I am not saying that these are the best movies made in Hollywood but that these are my favorite movies which I like watching again and again :).
PPS – I now have 100 followers… Yippee to me!
Avada Kedavra
Just yesterday I was wondering when you would post the next 10, and glad to see the list up.. yay! this list has lot of my fav movies – My best friend’s wedding, amazing movie and even I love it because of its realistic ending, unlike the hindi version of it – Mere yaar ki shaadi hain.. Mrs Doubtfire is another great movie.. Collateral, PS I love you, Ocean’s series.. good collection girl 🙂
Thanks :).
I Haven’t even bothered to see Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi hai. I heard the movie is so bad that I m avoiding watching it.
The Other Side of Life
And that makes me the 101st follower! 😀
Congrats! 🙂
That’s a very nice list you have! Loved Best Friend’s Wedding, Little Manhattan, PS I Love You! Good choices you have.. 😛
Thank You :).
This list is amazing and it’s going to help me chose which one watch next 🙂
These movies are really good. You should watch them :).
Finally a list in which I have seen more than half the movies :D. Mrs Doubtfire is adorable :D, even chachi 420 is not bad, loved ratotoulie (btw have you seen Monsters Inc?, my fav animation movie of all times), and yay, PS I love you finally makes an appearance 🙂
I havent seen Monsters Inc yet :(. Everyone says its a great movie. Have to watch it soon :).
Just the kind of post i was looking for. For the past few days i was bugging my friends to give a me list of good movies and lo your blog talks just that. Will be frequenting your blog, now.
Keep writing!
Thanks Shas :).
Congrats on the 100 followers!
I am not a movies fan, but your countdown is entertaining- I have not much to comment on them though… I stay away from the idiot box, unless it is friends or big bang theory on 🙂
Hmmm… I enjoy watching movies a lot :). Its a kind of stress buster :).
my best friend’s wedding is a movie which any 1 can c over n over n never get bored
Julia is such a versatile actress, Diaz is super cute.
Nice post Harini…
Thanks Bebo :).
Ah haa I dont know how i missed the second part..
this one Mrs doubtfire AWESOME movie.. can watch it again and again
SEVEN :- another great film with great actore brad pitt and morgan freeman, class acts both
The others :- was a good one and the best part was till the end it was good, i had no clue what was going on till the end …
my best friends wedding well i am a fan of julia
roberts she is a class act herelf so it was great
colaltaral, oceans 11 are good tooo
not sure about others
whens the next 10 coming 🙂
Bikram’s Blog
Soon Bikram :).
I understood The others the second time I watched actually :P.
My best frds weddinggg is a hottt fav.. i dunno a single person who dsnt like tht movie.. julia robertsss rockss in tht movie.. 🙂
PS I love u :):):) Ps i love this post harini 😉
Thanks Dido :).
thats a lovely list… have watched a few of them 🙂 visiting after a longggg time 🙂
Yeah, I know! I missed your comments 🙁
Now which of the movies do I write about and say ‘I love’ because I love every single one of them.. Can’t wait for the next set..get them out quick..
Congratulations on 100 followers.. 🙂
I know! The list is getting difficult as I go on. Thanks :).
I think Seven and Ocean’s series should come a little ahead … They are better 🙂 .
and yeah now you have 101 followers 🙂 . Congrats 😛
Hmmm… I thought so too at first but then other movies I like more.
ok i see someone else is 101th follower./.. so i am 102 🙂
Nah 101! Someone just unfollowed :P.
Wow! Thatz a lovely list. Mrs.Doubtfire and My Best Friend’s Wedding are my favs.
I am always partial towards books, but P.S I love U ws a good watch 🙂
Congrats on the 100 followers 🙂
According to me the movie and book were pretty different and somehow they both are good.
Thanks :).
Well PS I love you tops my list, followed by Little manhattan, My best friends wedding, you should see 5 first dates.. wow what a movie, then I wanted to be you 101 follower bt sadly am the one not three.. :)) take care .. have a good time ahead!
Thanks Omi :).
nice collection of favs..
congrats on 100 followers
Thanks Aiz :).
Hi Harini 🙂
Good movie choices! My favorite of them is Mrs. Doubtfire! I loved that movie…so cute!
You know when I was about 20 years old, back in the days when Robin Williams was just starting out, I met him in the evening at a bar called “The Gingerman” in Beverly Hills. He was so funny in person. I still remember what I was wearing and what he said to me…LOL
I had on skin tight red velvet pants and a pretty silk top. He came up to me, grabbed his chest and said, “Oh, my, it’s the Blond in my dreams!” Then he proceeded to make funny faces while panting and grabbing his heart…LOL
It’s was always fun to be young and HOT running wild in the City! Those were some fun days 🙂
You are so lucky Kelly!
Shakespeare in love is at 77!!! I cant imagine what is number 1 🙂 Yayy to you on hitting century.:) I am there too..Just not on the connect gadget..:)
I know after having movie at 77 i realized it should have been higher :(.
That was soo good.. i have watched most of them except 4 or 5.. but wud definately watch them out
Thanks Bea :). And do watch them :).
That is a good list 🙂 And I am surprised that I have seen most of them, which is astounding by my standards of movie watching 🙂 Or maybe I could boast that I have watched all the ‘good’ones 😉
Yes… you can say that :).
Thanks Smitha :).
I’ve seen Mrs. Doubtfire and My Best friends’ wedding more than once,…yes..julia roberts was just amazing in the movie! I’ve chosen PS I love you to watch over this weekend 🙂
The movie is good. I hope you like it :).
Amazing choice….love ’em all, can’t wait to reach the top 10 😛 😛
Congratulations dear on 100 followers,wishing you many more to come 😀 😀
Thanks CB 🙂 :).
Awesome selections this time. Except for the movie Doubtfire, I’ve seen and loved them all; particularly Ocean’s series and PS I Love You they are in to my all time favs too! You know, now am actually intrigued to find out your # 1, so may be you should speed up your posts! 😛
PS – Update your blogroll, my blog-link is now http://www.souravpandey.in/ ..I thought you knew I have shifted to a domain too! 😀
I know you did… I was just lazy to edit my blog roll. Have many more blogs to add :P. But I edited your’s just now :).
And watch Mrs. Doubtfire… its funny :).
I loved Ratatouille, Seven and PS I love You (in the order :P)
Pixar is like wine. They get better with every film like how wine gets better day by day.
Seven was the inspiration for Shankar’s Anniyan 😛
In PS I love You, I liked when Gerard says “I know what I want, because I have it in my hands right now. You. ” Simple and sweet. As you said it makes you laugh and make you cry (Though I dint do the later :P)
Yeah… Pixar is like wine. They are getting better with every movie. Seven inspiration for Anniyan… really? Anniyan is about MPD where as even is about serial killer :P. But I actually like Anniyan :P… I like anything that Shankar dishes out :P.
I love love love each one of them 😀
Keep ’em coming 🙂
In fact now I got into the mood to watch Shakespeare in love 🙂
Its an amazing movie :).
Welcome to my blog 🙂
Garudapuranam replaces Bible. Two police officers searching a killer. Add a little of Tell Me Your Dreams 😛 You get Anniyan 🙂
Oh yeah! I dint think from that angle at all :P. Silly me :P.
Hi. First time here and I must say you’ve got a beautiful space. I loved Ocean’s Eleven the best among the series. I also liked Seven though it was morbid and depressing. Am yet to see the others in the list. Nice collection. Waiting for the next list to roll out. Nice work Harini 🙂
It is depressing but its a good movie. Thanks Ajay and welcome to my space :).
hii…loved ur top 100…nice blog….joined u…
Thanks Bhumika and Welcome :).
Scribbling Gal
Well half of the list is my fav and other half on my to watch list 🙂 keep this coming loving it 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Am loving this series u are doing….am noting down a few to watch too… 🙂 🙂
Many of my favs are in ur list too…so heres an Hi-5 !!! 🙂
*Hi-5’s right back to you*
nice list..again 2-3 favourite ones here. do you know a joke about shakespeare in love movie? Karan Johar was to make a hindi of it – hilta bhala pyaar main – shake spear in love! literal translation!
ROFL =))
I never heard this before!
Electric Shower
there are very few talented actors that is as versatile as morgan freeman -“,