I m lucky to be your ‘Little Girl’

He’s my best friend,

He taught me what unconditional love is,

He picked me up every time I was down,

He made my laugh through my thickest tears,

He sacrifices and expects nothing in return,

He gives me strength to carry on,

He is my personal Santa fulfilling my every desire and dream,

His love for me has no boundaries,

He made me the woman I m today,

Yet I will always be his ‘Little Girl’.

Today is my Dad’s Birthday. During my birthday this year my Dad said to me that he never ever cut a cake in his life. So, tomorrow for the 1st time he will be cutting a cake on his 53rd birthday. And also I m gonna cook something special for him.

I and Dad have many relationships wound into one. We love each other, respect each other, tease each other, fight a lot, cant live without each other, have no secrets from each other and basically our lives encircles around the another.

I think I m the luckiest person in the world to have him as my Dad and friend :).